27 Jul Where will the Fireplace be Installed?
Posted at 18:12h
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Adding a fireplace to your home offers multiple benefits. For example, it adds value to your home and makes your residence more enticing to homebuyers when you decide to sell your home. Fireplaces also create comfort and add architectural vitality to the home. However, you may not know where to start when it comes to shopping for the perfect fireplace. One of the most important factors to consider early on is where your fireplace should be installed.
Two Options
If you currently have a wood burning fireplace in your house, you may choose to convert this fireplace to gas. This means you will need to shop for a fireplace insert. Meanwhile, if your home does not have a wood burning fireplace, you’ll need to shop for what is known as a gas fireplace.
Fireplace Insert
Fireplace inserts are placed inside existing fireplaces. Kozy Heat offers gas fireplace inserts featuring many advantages. For instance, these inserts are an efficient home-heating solution. Traditional fireplaces usually have efficiency ratings of about 5 to 10 percent. However, fireplace inserts create slow-burning fires that generate more heat, which can result in an efficiency rating of 65-80 percent. Inserts also come with glass doors that are insulated and self-cleaning, so you can conveniently and safely watch your new flames.
Inserts are extremely easy to install and use. Installing an insert simply involves setting up a new gas line to the existing wood burning fireplace. This allows you to freely enjoy a relaxing, warm fire simply by pushing a button. In addition, installing a fireplace insert is a lot less costly than totally remodeling your house to make room for a new fireplace.
Gas Fireplace
A gas fireplace by Kozy Heat is ideal to add to a new-construction home or when you are renovating an older home. These fireplaces can go just about anywhere to make your home more attractive and inviting. You have the option of having a gas fireplace installed on a flat wall, in corners or elevated. The experts at Kozy Heat can help you determine the best location to install your new fireplace.